List of Publications 2000 - 2022
Published Books – Book Contributions – Magazine Contributions – Interviews and Radio Contributions – Reviews and Articles about TD
Published Books
Joy and Fear - An Illustrated Report on Modernity, Theo Deutinger, Lars Müller Publishers, ISBN 978-3-03778-743-4
Handbook of Tyranny (Expanded Edition), Theo Deutinger, Lars Müller Publishers, ISBN 978-3-03778-534-8
Safe New World, Theo Deutinger and students of The Berlage, edited by Salomon Frausto, published by The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design, ISBN 978-94-6384-189-4
The Pandemic Space, Theo Deutinger and students of the university of Kassel, University of Kassel, Kassel University Press
Ultimate Atlas – Logbook of Spaceship Earth, Theo Deutinger, Lars Müller Publishers, ISBN 978-3-03778-592-8
Ruhrmoderne 1967/2017: Ein kurzer Sommer der Utopie, Theo Deutinger, Philipp Oswalt, Timo Panzer, Kassel University Press, ISBN-10: 373760486X
Handbook of Tyranny, Theo Deutinger, Lars Müller Publishers, ISBN 978-3-03778-534-8
Urban Routines: Car, Theo Deutinger & Sergey Chernov, Educ. Program 2013/14, Strelka Press
Help Me I Am Blind, Heidi Specker & Theo Deutinger, jrp/ringier publisher, Christoph
Alpines Architektur Labor – Bestandsaufnahme, Theo Deutinger & Markus Mühlbacher, self-published by ARGETM, July 2002
Keller Editions, ISBN: 978-3-03764-130-9
wien . bratislava, Theo Deutinger & Joost Meuwissen, self-published by Theo Deutinger
ACBD – African Central Business District, Ronald Wall & Theo Deutinger, co-editor and co- producer, self-published by ACBD, May 2000
Book Contributions
Walls & Fences; in: Another Breach in the Wall – City as a Common Good by Davide Tommaso Ferrando & Daniel Tudor Munteanu; published by Asociatia culturalä Solitude Project, ISBN:978-606-95055-9-5
Walls & Fences; in: Space is the Place. Current Reflections on Art and Architecture. Lukas Feireiss (publisher); Spector Books, Munich BNKR, ISBN: 978-3-95905-388-4, 2020
Handbook of Tyranny; in: Dieren op Maat/Creatures Made to Measure (on the occasion of the Exhibition Dieren op maat. Design tussen mens en dier, 17 May – 29 September 2019, Design Museum Gent), Kerber Verlag, 2019
Tarwewijk/Social City Beta/Material Matters; in: Rethinking Design , Renny Ramakers, Lars Müller Publishers, ISBN: 978-3-03778-569-0, 2019
Aerial Community; in: Flying Plaza. Work Journal 2012-16. The Artistic Practice of Studio Tomás Saraceno; Philipp Oswalt (publisher); Spector Books, Leipzig, ISBN: 978-3-95905-029-6, 2018
Tribe of Wire; in: Giraffes, Telegraphs and Hero of Alexandria, Sabine Müller, Andreas Quednau, SMAQ, Ruby Press, ISBN 978-3-944074-13-9, 2015
Tourists – a Nomadic Tribe; in: Anticipating the future, Jelle Brandt Corstius & Yoeri Albrecht, Amsterdam, ISBN 9789090287898, fall 2015
City of AthletesIn: Performative Urbanism, Generating and Designing Urban Space, Sophie Wolfrum & Nikolai Frhr. v. Brandis, Jovis Verlag, ISBN 9783868593044, January 2015
Tribal Land / Hidden Economy / Material Matters; in: here, there everywhere, Renny Ramakers & Agata Jaworska, self-published by Stichting Droog Design, 2014
Land Under; in: Wet Matter - F/W 2014 Harvard Design Magazine #, Pierre Bélanger & Jennifer Sigler, Harvard Graduate School of Design publisher, ASIN: B0094JWQ8M, fall 2014
Stadt der Athleten; in: Ortsentwürfe: Urbanität im 21. Jahrhundert, Bastian Lange; Jovis Verlag, ISBN- 13: 9783868592290, January 2013
Berliphery; in: Yury Grigoryan, Archaeology of the Periphery, Eigenverlag Moscow Urban Forum, December 2013
On Hold, Hold On; in: Information Graphics, Sandra Rendgen & Julius Wiedemann, Taschen Verlag, ISBN-13: 978-3836528795, May 2012
Living Room Geography; in: New Geographies #4 Scales of the Earth, El Hadi Jazairy - Harvard Graduate School of Design, ISBN-13: 978-1934510278, August 2011
Ignace Glorieux – Professor of Sociology about World at Work; in: Nu. Z33. House for contemporary art. Nu. 2008-2010, Jan Boelen, Z33, ISBN 9789490693077, 2010
Eutopia; in: Urban Reports, Nicola Schüller, Petra Wollenberg and Kees Christiaanse, gta Verlag (CH), ISBN 9-783856762285, 2009
project stories; in: Different Repetitions. Buildings & Projects 1999 – 2009, Branimir Medic, Pero Puljiz, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2009
The Hague International; in: The Hague INT., Maarten Schmitt, self-published by Stadt Den Haag (NL), 2008
Future of Hospitals - Berlage Institute; in: The Architecture of Hospitals, Abram de Swaan, Charles Jencks, Stephen Verderber, Cor Wagenaar (Editor), NAI publishers, ISBN-13: 978-9056624644, March 2006
Adi, Audi, Aldi Published; in: Documenta urbana 2005 - Symposium 1. Auf dem Weg zur Stadt der Zukunft 2006: ISBN 3-89117-163-3/FB Architektur, Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung, 2006
The Triumph of Cheapness; in: Uropean Urbanity, Bernd Vlay, Paul Rajakovics, Marko Studen, Klaus Kada, Springer Verlag, ISBN-13: 978-3211476055, Oktober 2006
Locating the Context; in: Amsterdam Zuidas: European Space, Willem Salet & Stan Majoor, 010 Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-9064505836, September 2005
European Central Park; in: GAM 01 / Grazer Architektur Magazine – Tourismus und Landschaft, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-211-20633-7, 2004
RheinRuhrCity: Die Unentdeckte Metropole, MVRDV, contributions commissioned by MVRDV, Hatje Cantz Verlag, ISBN-13: 978-3775712002, January 2004
Content, Rem Koolhaas, contributions commissioned by OMA/AMO, Taschen Verlag, ISBN-13: 978- 3822830703, May 2004
wien . bratislava; in:, self-published by hda / haus der architektur, Graz, 10.02
Was ist Zeche Zollverein, Bruce Mau, Publication of the ®UR-Study, contributions commissioned by OMA/ AMO, self-published by Zeche Zollverein, August 2002
Magazine & Blog Contributions
Archined - 25 years celebration
(autumn 2021) The Department of Ethical Design - research and design of the form TDED-163-1
(spring 2021) Pet City / Cohabitation – research and illustration for cover and center-fold
New Internationalist (Online)
(12.02.2020) Free Entry, part of „Freedom to move– For Everyone” Article by Hazel Healy,
(#92/2020) Zeit-Räume
(#247/2022) “Cohabitation” - article and images about the Pet City exhibition
(#231/2018) “Recht auf Welt” -Article by Joseph Nevins with graphics of Handbook of Tyranny
(#232/2018) “Das Recht auf Welt” – Extracts from Handbook of Tyranny
MARK (International)
(#13/2008) Lacktopia
(#14/2008) Building Up Space / Satellites
(#15/2008) Avoid the Centre
(#16/2008) Work Around the World
(#17/2008) Private Waters
(#18/2009) Sky High –Dow Low
(#19/2009) Lost Cities, Lost Empires
(#20/2009) On hold, hold on
(#21/2009) Totally Monopoly
(#22/2009) Exclusive Economic Zone
(#23/2009-10) Wor(l)ds Apart
(#24/2010) Free Cities
(#26/2010) Underworld
(#28/2010) Utopian Cities
(#29/2010) Endless City
(#30/2011) Communist World
(#31/2011) Iron Silk Road
(#32/2011) Koran Versus Bible
(#33/2011) U-Value
(#34/2011) The Image of Architecture
(#35/2011-12) History for Sale
(#38/2012) Grid City
(#39/2012) Street View
(#40/2012) Lack Index
(#41/2012-13) The most Expensive Building
(#42/2013) EU Tube
(#43/2013) Global Style
(#44/2013) Grand Tour
(#45/2013) Metro Lines
(#46/2013) Around the World
(#47/2013-14) Mega Malls
(#48/2014) Squares
(#49/2014) Airport City
(#50/2014) XXXL Statues
(#51/2014) Flight Information Regions
(#52/2014) Fortress Europe
(#53/2014-15) Independence Day
(#54/2015) Non-Shop City
(#55/2015) Submarine Cables
(#56/2015) Walls and Fences
(#57/2015) Refugee Camps
(#58/2015) Private Islands
(#59/2015-16) Defensive City
(#60/2016) Sign Language
(#61/2016) Crowd Control
(#62/2016) Human Race
(#63/2016) Free Entry
(#64/2016) Slaughter House
(#65/2016-17) Total Demolition
(#66/2017) Bunker Busters
(#67/2017) Prison Cells
(#68/2017) Green Fortress
(#69/2017) The Colour of Terror
(#70/ 2017) Refugee Land
(#71/2017-18) Vehicle as Weapon
(#11/Nov09) Walled World
(#10/2015) Around The World/ Geschrumpftes Abenteuer
(#12/2015) Walls and Fences/ Wettrüsten am Zaun
A'A' / L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui (FR)
(#378/2010) Atomized Architecture
(#402/2014) IKEA - The Empire on which the sun never sets
One World (NL)
(#4/May2013) “Welkom in Utopia” Article by Lonneke van Genugten en Martijn van Tol, Graphics by Theo Deutinger
Financieele Dagblad (NL)
(27.11.2010) Fortress Netherlands
Pasajes de arquitectura y critica (ESP)
(# 71) Eutopia - A city so vast and beautiful/ Eutopia - una ciudad enorme y hermosa
(# 72) Viva Las Vegas
(# 73) Opus Dei
(# 74) An Empire where the Sun never Sets IKEA/ El imperio en el que nunca se pone el sol
(# 75) Europan
(# 76) Google, Languages and regions/ Google, Idiomas y regiones
(# 77) The European/ El Europeo
(# 78) World-Ball/ La bola del Mundo
(# 79) Sky High –Dow Low / Los Edificios más altos de cada Pais
(# 80) Wannabe Nation States/ Potenciales Estados-Nación
(# 81) Million-Cities / Ciudades millionarias
(# 83) The History of Expos / La historia de las Expos
Archis/Volume (NL)
(#2/2004) Politiek (correct) in kaart brengen / Political (correct) mapping, with Brendan McGetrick, SNOGS: Eutopia/Fort Europe/Newsmaker/Newstaker/Google. Languages and Countries
(#3/2009) Firewall
(#12/2009) Simplicity, In: Al Manakh – special edition of Volume with Archis, Amo, C-Lab, Moutamarat
(#61/2022) Handbook of Tyranny - The Ultimate Guide to Guides, a review by Arjen Oosterman
Visualisation Magazine (US)
(#2/2009) In: Circles, High Rise
Nummer - Academie van Bouwkunst Groningen (NL)
(#06/2009) In: De Blokhuispoort, Hardware/Software - Studentproject
WIRED – The Future as it happens (UK)
(Sep.2009) A World at Work
Domus 927 (IT)
(07/08/2009) Walled World, part of “Where is Africa?” by Lindsay Bremner
Vrij Nederland (NL)
(14/2005) Pop(e)star
(26/2005) G-Aid / G-aid: Kwijtschelding is een Farce
(33/2005) Budget Airlines / Reis om de wereld voor 1238 Euro
(39/2005) The Prime Minister is a Woman / De premier is een vrouw
(41/2005) 14 days, 11 disasters / 14 dagen, 11 rampen
(45/2005) Onion / Ui
(46/2005) The European / De Europeaan
(49/2005) War on Human Rights / Oorlog tegen de mensenrechten
(52/2005) Happy 2005
(09/2006) Rem(brand)t
(13/2006) Eutopia/Stadt Europa
(18/2006) Wannabe Nation States / Een nieuwe wereldkaart
(23/2006) World-Ball / Wereld-bal
(28/2006) Continu op Vakantie
(37/2006) Million-Cities / Verstedelijking: De opkomst van miljoenensteden
(Smart/2006) McWorld
(47/2006) Walled World / De muur om het Westen
(09/2007) Self-made diversity / Van god en Darwin los
(16/2007) O Lord, Forgive us our Annual CO2
(18/2007) Refugee Camps
(68/2007) Skype, Where the Poor Pay More
(17&18/2008) Worldbank versus China
Der Standard (A)
(16.02.2005) Kyoto enters into force / Kioto tritt in Kraft
(15.01.2006) State of the Union
(11.02.2006) Winter Olympic Champions / Winter Olympiasieger
(30.03.2006) IKEA
(14.04.2006) Opus Dei
(31.12.2006) Game Over/ Das Spiel ist aus
(31.12.2007) Wer Rettet die Welt
Catalogue Architecture Biennale Rotterdam(NL)
(2007) Walled World
ZONE - Illustrationen der Freizeit der Zukunft (NL)
(2007) Leisure time and virtualization
AMO/Volume (International)
(#1/2007) In: History of Europe and the European Union Graphics, The History of the European Union
Z arquitectura (ESP)
(# 5/2007) The History of Expos / La historia de las Expos
032c (DE)
(# 11/2006) The Image of Europe / Das Bild Europas
Architektur (AT)
(05.2006) The Image of Europe / Das Bild Europas
De Morgen (BE)
(23.05.2006) Wannabe Nation States / Een nieuwe wereldkaart
Brand New Food
(2006) MacWorld
Pantheon (NL)
(#4/2005) Made in Germany
Monu (Magazine on Urbanism, Rotterdam/New York)
(# 2/2005) Adi, Audi, Aldi
(# 3/2005) You shall be urban
(# 5/2005) Terrorist love Density
(2008) Wannabe Nation States
Magazine Contributions - Articles
Tablezine von Brendan McGetrick (China)
(2007) China’s Appetite
S+RO – Stedenbouw en ruimtelijke ordening (NL)
(#4/2007) Noordelijk perspectief – Vragen om niets, The Beginning of Nothing and the End of Everything
(#1/2014) Loodzware bureaucratie en vriendjespolitiek in Oostenrijk
La Revista de la Facultad de Arquitectura - R12 (Uruguay)
(2014) Housing – the World as a City
Archis/Volume 39 (ENG)
(#1/2014) SZHKSMZ – Special Material Zone, Droog and TD
Oris (CRO)
(#93, year XVII 2015) New Standards of Urban Comfort
AMOS 2-2016 (DE)
(2016) Eine Entspannungsgeschichte
e-flux Architecture (Online, International)
(27.04.2020) At The Border – Theo Deutinger: Let’s Call it a Wall
Interviews and Radio Contributions
Swiss Architecture Museum (CH)
(19.06.2020) Instagram Live talk with Andreas Ruby as part of the series SAM talks about the Exhibition “Unterm Radar”
La Leche – Revista para los que juegan con fuego (ESP)
(#15/2020) “Un Palacio de 203 Habitaciones” Interview by Gustavo Puerta Leisse
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH)
(19.12.2019) “Berliner Mauer und Border Wall gleichen sich“ Interview by Sabine von Fischer
Tagesanzeiger (CH, Online)
(21.11.2019) „‘Wir wollen alle nicht in einer Wehrstadt leben‘“ Interview by Christoph Heim
Deutschlandfunk (DE, Radio + Online)
(20.11.2018) „Die ganz normalen Grausamkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts“ by Shanli Anwar, Interview about Handbook of Tyranny
DesignWeek (UK, Online)
(27.02.2018) “Handbook of Tyranny: highlighting modern day cruelties through infographics” Interview by Aimée McLaughlin
NPO Radio 1 (NL, Online + Radio Interview)
(9.01.2018) “De overheid moet onze vrijheid niet belemmeren met architectuur” by Chiem Balduk, Interview about Handbook of Tyranny
(April 2016) „Die Leere füllen – Ruhrmoderne“ Interview by Honke Rambow
Reviews and Articles about TD (Print Media)
Transhelvetica (CH)
(#56/2019) „Die Welt als Palast. Der Reisepass als Türöffner“ by Michèle Fröhlich
Schaufenster – Die Presse (DE, Newspaper + Online)
(#41/6.12.19) “Meister des Maβstabssprungs” by Norbert Philipp about Handbook of Tyranny
Dérive – Stadtforschung (AT)
(#75/Apr-Juni 2019) „Die Normierung der alltäglichen Unmenschlichkeit“ by Irene Bittner about the Handbook of Tyranny Exhibition in HDA Graz 2019
D'Lëtzebuerger Land (DE, Online+ Print)
(17.08.2018) “Banal böse Bilder” Bookreview by Martin Ebner
De Volkskrant (NL, Online + Newspaper)
(8.01.2018) “Wie dacht vrij te zijn in de openbare ruimte heeft het mis” Bookreview by Jeroen Junte
(#44/2018) “Manual de la tiranía” – Extracts from Handbook of Tyranny
Der Standard (DE, Newspaper + Online)
(23.03.2014) “Forschen zwischen Flachland und Flachau” by Maik Novotny
Reviews and Articles about TD (Online Media)
Divisare (IT)
(18.07.2022) “The Chapel”
Medium (US)
(11.06.2020) “Thornes and Spines” by Laura Scoffield
Eye on Design (US)
(03.06.2019) “Reimagining the Atlas as an Ultra-minimalist Visualization” Ultimate Atlas Bookreview by Liz Stinson
Next City (US)
(23.04.2019) “Uncovering Manhattan’s Authoritarian Architecture” by Jen Kinney on occasion of the Handbook of tytanny Exhibition at Storefront 2019
On The Seawall (UK)
(28.02.2019) “on Handbook of Tyranny by Theo Deutinger” Bookreview by Ron Slate
BauNetz (DE)
(21.02.2019) “Buchtipp: Kartierung und Macht Handbook of Tyranny” Bookreview by Katrin Schamun
The Architectural Review (UK)
(21.06.2018) “Cruel and usual: ‘Handbook of Tyranny’ by Theo Deutinger” Bookreview by Catherine Slessor
Abitare (IT)
(25.05.2018) „Handbook of Contemporary Tyranny“ Bookreview by Fabrizio Gallanti
Artbook (USA)
(15.04.2018) “In 'Handbook of Tyranny' Theo Deutinger asks, 'Where are we now?'” Bookreview by Bridget Leslie
We Make Money Not Art (International)
(3.04.2018) “Handbook of Tyranny: a guide to everyday cruelties” Bookreview by Régine Debatty
Architect - The journal of the American Institute of Architects (US)
(28.03.2018) “The Pond as a Deadly Device and Other Architectural Terrors” Bookreview by Aaron Betsky
Frizzifrizzi (IT)
(1.03.2018) “Handbook of Tyranny: spiegare violenza e la crudeltà del potere attraverso la grafica” Bookreview by Simone Sbarbati
ArchiNed (NL)
(27.02.2018) “Wat maakt de stad van vandaag zo anders, zo aantrekkelijk?”Bookreview by Rob Ritzen
The New American (US)
(23.02.2018) “’Handbook of Tyranny’ Presents Infographic Evidence of Despotic Excess“ Bookreview by Joe Wolverton
Wallpaper (UK)
(13.02.2018) “The infographics of tyranny exposed in a new handbook” Bookreview by Jonathan Bell
De zeen (UK)
(02.02.2018) “Trump’s border wall ‘will be the aesthetic legacy of a dictator’” Bookreview by India Block
Amsterdam Alternative (NL)
(#019/2018) “What Design can do: Handbook of Tyranny (Bookreview)” by Jacqueline Schoemaker
E&T Engineering & Technology (UK)
(07.12.2017) “Build artificial island in Med as home for refugees, says Dutch technologist” by Josh Loeb on Europe in Africa
CityMetric (International)
(07.12.2017) “Europe in Africa: Could a new city state on a man-made island save refugee lives?” by Deborah Nicholls-Lee
Contrepoints (FR)
(25.08.2016) “Migrations : Une île artificielle au large de la Tunisie” by Marwan Chahla
Mail Online (US)
(02.June.2016) “Is this the answer to the migration crisis – a man-made ISLAND in the Mediterranean? Architects design a city incorporating the best of Europe and Africa which would sit off the coast of Tunisia” by Sara Malm about Europe in Africa
The Washington Post (US)
(1.06.2016) “A Dutch architect’s plan to put Europe’s refugees on a man-made island near Tunisia” by Adam Taylor about Europe in Africa